© 2013 Eric A. Brown Ministries .  All Rights Reserved.


Post Office Box 494815

Garland, Texas  75049  


As a third generation preacher,
after observing my father and grandfather I was unsure that preaching was a weight that I was able to carry; however, I am honored to carry on the torch of the gospel to a world in need of God’s grace.

Effective Ministry

I am humbled that God has invested so many gifts and graces in me. Among the multiplicity of gifts from God is that of proclamation. God has given me the ability to creatively and uniquely intertwine motivational and inspirational methods into sermon presentations while remaining theologically sound. In addition to proclamation, God has blessed me with effective leadership, communication and organizational skills. This along with my understanding of God’s desire for us to grow and develop into mature disciples who will be change agents help to form my understanding of effective ministry.

Eric A. Brown Ministries

Eric A. Brown Ministries is a ministry that ministers to the entire person through each phase of their lives encouraging them to seek God’s best for their lives.

“Rev. Eric A. Brown is a dynamic, worshipful preacher.  Rev. Brown stands with the Holy Spirit that lives within him and speaks a Rhema Word and for all the people of God.”  ~Dr. Janet Bell Odom

Audio Sermon Clip - Why Did You Doubt?